Monday, August 15, 2011

Alig8tor's Quest

The quest began many, many years ago, and ends ONLY when I have found the best sticky toffee pudding on Earth. And by Earth I mean, in Toronto.

That's right -- sticky toffee pudding. That delectable mound of moist cake smothered in warm toffee sauce and bathing in custard. At least, that's what it SHOULD be. But if you live in Toronto circa 2011, sticky toffee pudding seems to be a dry, solid brick of sponge cake with a pathetic drizzle of toffee and sometimes vanilla (VANILLA?!) coulis, garnished with fruit and whipped cream (c'mon -- FRUIT?!)

The quest began in the homeland, with the best sticky toffee pudding found somewhere in the Lake District, or maybe it was somewhere near Sheffield. It doesn't matter, because all that matters now is that I am here, in Toronto, and searching, yet again, for the best sticky toffee pudding. And I'm 0 for 3 -- Both the Ben Wicks Pub and Pogue Mahone served the disappointing dry brick I described above, and the Pepperwood Bistro in Burlington (let's call this a cross-Ontario search) had similar fare.

Onwards and upwards, friends. Suggestions welcome!


  1. The gauntlet has been thrown down, everyone! The food quests begin!

  2. Have you tried Cieli Cottage in Leslieville?
