Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Battle for the Caramel Macchiato

Now, I know what you're going to say when you read this: "Dear lord, what is wrong with this person... could this post be any more of a white whine." And you're is completely a white whine, but I'm totally owning it, so it's all cool. At least that's what I'm telling myself so I can sleep at night.

I have recently (last night) experienced a moment of Starbucks ennui. After politely ordering a decaf skinny caramel macchiato, which is one of my guilty pleasure drinks, I went to wait by the barista bar for my drink to arrive. And I waited. The barista first started to make me a full caf, which she quickly stopped. Then somehow my drink magically became a vanilla latte...not at all what I fact, I am quite sure that the guy who got the vanilla latte that my drink became actually got some strange concoction that was a mix of a macchiato and a latte...I really hope he didn't drink it, I can't even imagine what that tasted like.

So when she then called my drink...which for some reason she thought was a vanilla latte...I politely said, "No. I ordered a skinny decaf caramel macchiato." She looked very confused. But set about making another drink...five minutes later, she handed me a new drink. A vanilla latte. I again, shook my head. Smiled a smile that was now rather forced and said, "No. I ordered a Decaf. Skinny. Caramel. Macchiato." She again looked really confused. Looked at the drink, looked at me. Then nodded and went about making my drink.

Watching her make a caramel macchiato was...horrifying! I have made hundreds of them in my time as a barista...and I've never over filled a cup. I've certainly never handed a customer the wrong drink TWICE.

I'm not entirely sure what the drink was that I kind of tasted like a caramel macchiato. But not really. It was certainly NOT skinny. It had 2% written all over it. Totally was not decaf and really really was not sugar free. I felt like I was on some kind of crazy roller coaster after drinking that...

So, to the dear brand new barista at Starbucks, I promise I am not upset at you. I've been there. I know how stressful it is. But really honey...when there's just two customers at the bar...a Starbucks classic like the caramel macchiato should not be too much of a brain teaser.

Next time, I think I'll just follow other people's example and order a tea. But not a tea latte...she screwed that one up too.

Thank you for indulging me in my white whine. I promise not to complain too much...

Well great, now I want a coffee.

1 comment:

  1. OK, so the mystery deepens. I just went to a Starbucks, and asked for a "grande non-fat macchiato."

    Barista: "One grande non-fat caramel macchiato."

    Me: "No no, I just want the macchiato part. Not the caramel syrup or the drizzle."

    Barista: "So you want a non-fat espresso macchiato?"

    Me: "Uh..."

    I should explain at this point that I have no idea what she's talking about, and the line behind me is getting steadily longer.

    Me: "... yes."

    Barista: "Solo or doppio?"

    Me: "..."

    I am now totally lost.

    Barista: "You said grande. So doppio?"

    Me: "... yes. Sure."

    Barista: "OK, so that's $.$$, please."

    I pay and walk over to the drinks bar. The barista there is steaming 2% milk.

    Barista: "Hi! How are you today? Oh, silly me, I need non-fat milk for your drink. Just give me a second here."

    And then I get a small cup with a double shot of espresso with non-fat milk foam on it.

    The moral of the story is that if you want a caramel macchiato with no caramel, just order a latte.
